Solstice Dawn: I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.
Dawn after darkest day of winter solstice reminds us that light conquers darkness, and God’s love is something we can trust in.
God Made Twilight Too
Sunset on September 17, 2024, reminds us that God made twilight, not just day and night. Perhaps is telling us something through the ordered disorder of nature.
God’s Word Changes Us: Pentecost 17 B Mark 8:27-38
God's Word speaks to us from the Bible to help us grow in our relationship to God. It changes us from wanting the world to bless us to wanting to be used by a loving God to bless the world.
God is Human, Only More So
God is human, only more so. The divine and human come together in God and Jesus. And in us, when we follow our instincts about the "more so" of human kindness and love.
Humanize God: Pentecost 14 B John 6:56-69 and Joshua 24:18
Holy Communion, done right, keeps us from dehumanizing God by letting the God of flesh and blood turn back into mere words.
High on Joy and Love: Pentecost 13B Ephesians 5:15-20
We all seek the high of being carried away to something bigger than ourselves. Fake highs leave us empty. God's genuine high is with the Spirit of joy and love of all others.
Scattering and Gathering: Pentecost 9 B Jeremiah 23, Psalm 23, Mark 6:34
Jeremiah, the Psalmist, and Jesus agree that gathering is good and scattering evil. And God is in the business of gathering.
Authority over Unclean Spirits: Gospel for Pentecost 7B Mark 6:1-13
There are unclean spirits loose in our age—renouncing every call for justice, equity, and care of the planet. But Jesus equips us with power over these—power we must use.
Growth We Cannot Understand: Readings for Pentecost 4 B Mark 4:26-34
Native Tickseed grows now in the portions of our land dedicated to prairie restoration. Photo by John