First Reactions to the First Presidential Debate

We are a nation in trouble. We who follow Jesus Christ—actually try to follow him—have a lot of work and a lot of praying to do.

 Donald Trump, the former President, performed as he always does—as a consummate real estate salesman with a wounded ego that leaves him acting as an adolescent. He lives in a fantasy world of his own making, having cocooned himself in the MAGA universe that tells him what a savior he is and what utter destruction has been caused by those evil folks who have genuine concern for social equality and the environment.

Donald Trump, the salesman, cares nothing for facts. Speaks only to sell himself and frighten everyone else. The center ring of his fear mongering is now to portray immigrants not as human beings who do good work and contribute to our nation, but as insane rapists who will swallow up America’s riches.

 But we are in trouble too as a nation because the only alternative at the moment is ailing. Joe Biden is a man with great heart and great principles, honed in a lifetime of public service. But he showed in this debate that he at least has moments where his age prevents him from performing under pressure.

 The pressure came from adolescent Trump who suckered Biden into a pissing contest. While the nation longed to hear substantive proposals and noble vision, these two descended into bombastic boasts about their achievements and abilities—spiraling down to how far they can drive a little golf ball.

Admittedly, who could debate a man who claims to be surrounded by people who adore him, to be able to solve all the world’s problems in a single bound, and who the whole world adores because no one has “aced” cognitive tests as he has? But it would have been wonderful to see a President who could rise above this display of vacuous childishness.

It would be wonderful? Is it possible for Biden and Democrats to work together to give us a candidate with Joe Biden’s vision and a younger person’s vigor?


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Faith as Desperation: Gospel for Pentecost 6B Mark 5:21-43