First Reactions to Harris Trump Debate

I was full of anxiety before and during the first, and perhaps only debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.


But I came away with my mind at ease and ready for a good night’s sleep. As the pundits, even the honest Republican strategists, agreed. Kamala handled herself—and Donald—with a clear strategy of reaching undecided voters, and with great skill.


Only a couple of things I would have advised: more compassion for immigrants and those who look like them, and a succinct naming of Donald’s worldview.


When Donald Trump or J. D. Vance declare that immigrants are criminals who are mostly insane, and prone to eat our dogs and cats, we must not only point out how plainly contrary to fact these things are, we must also declare loudly that immigrants are human beings. All of this fear mongering promotes injustice, oppression, and violence.


Donald repeatedly says Democrats are destroying this nation. The honest truth is that he and his hate-filled lies destroy people.


Our borders should be controlled. Our immigration policies and the mechanisms to enforce them need to be reformed. But each and every immigrant is a human being and slandering them and people who look like them, is just plain destructive and unjust.


The one additional thing is to name Donald’s world. It is a world of fantasy. Because he is so narcissistic and his ego is so fragile he fires people and stops his ears to others who tell him no. He has chosen ever more extremely truth-adverse news outlets to watch on TV. He prefers wild conspiracy theories to the findings of courts that are trained and equipped to sort fact from fiction. He listens to dictators rather than lovers of democracy.


The effect of all of this is that Donald’s worldview has become pure fantasy. In this fantasy he is the greatest president in American history. The crowds of his admirers are bigger than anyone’s. He has won every election by massive margins. All world leaders are in awe of him and so he alone can bring peace. He alone can make America great. He always right.


Of course the mirror image of this is that America without him is darkness, destruction, and carnage when he is not President, and will absolutely disappear from the face of the earth if, because of massive fraud he loses the next election.


Fantasy. Pure, unadulterated, frightening, fantasy.


If you are reading this and disagree, I can only urge you to Google “Donald’s Trump Agenda 47” (part of his fantasy is becoming the 47th President of the US), there you will find video after video documenting this ego-centric man’s fantasy world and the destruction he has planned for our nation.


God Made Twilight Too


God’s Word Changes Us: Pentecost 17 B Mark 8:27-38