Welcome to Heatherhope, a spiritual homeplace where we experience every day the Gathering God.

Life on Heatherhope, just like all life, is full of changes.
We started our stewardship here in 2002, raising alfalfa on 26 acres, and registered North Country Cheviot sheep on 11 other acres of pasture. Our focus was on breeding, training, competing, and demonstrating with Border Collie herding dogs.
In 2010 we retired from our full time jobs—Connie as a church educator and administrator, and John as a Lutheran parish pastor. We devoted more time to the farm activities, writing, and small group
In the fall of 2022 we sold off our flock and began to graze sheep for others as we contined to keep our younger dogs happy herding sheep. Throughout our time here we have striven to be faithful stewards of nature by allowing margins to grow wild, using chemicals judiciously, etc.
In our current phase of life we seek to devote more and more time, energy and resources to biodiversity.
Of course, we always strive to make Heatherhope a spiritual home place where people can reconnect with the farming lifestyle, nature, and Nature’s God.
We Blog About What We Learn:
From The Farm, From Scripture, From People, Power, Politics and Pain
Lessons From The Farm
We learn from nature and from the perspective of faithful farming—married to the land rather than raping the land.
Border Collies and shepherds have taught us how ancient graces, passed along to us, help us care for what the God of Creation has provided.
Here on the web site we maintain a blog category on all we learn from nature and farming. Click on “blog” page at the top of this home page.
Lessons From The Bible
Join us online and by followig our Bible reflections blog as we learn about the Gathering God. We host a weekly hour-long Zoom study on Monday evenings called Northern Illinois Online Bible Study (NIOBS). Ask to be put on the emal invitation list.
Here on the web site we also maintain a blog category on the Bible; and you are welcome to comment and join the conversation. Click on “blog” page at the top of this home page.
Lessons From People, Power, Politics, and Pain
Politics is about the sharing of power among all peple. When practiced with grace It maintains the lifegiving Circle of Belonging. Politics, people, and power are at the center of God’s Gatherng, and so, at the center of Scripture’s concern. In Scripture we are given the certain hope that God leads us through pain to a better future.
Here on the web site we maintain a blog category on these matters. Click on “blog” page at the top of this home page.